
The Saratoga For Justice organization was having trouble prioritizing the most important tasks to accomplish their mission. 


We took them through a lightning decision session to understand their challenges and prioritize what are the most important goals in the immediate future. 


We listed the top positives and negatives the organization was dealing with.

Photo of ideas facilitation
Woman writing on a sticky note in a strategic workshop.
Cliff Washington facilitating a strategy session
Black woman writing on a sticky note in a strategic workshop.

We voted on what leading challenges were, then reframed them into a “how might we” opportunities to ideate solutions to.

Photo of the sailboat strategy exercise

We posted all our ideas on how we might alleviate burnout within the organization. We voted on the top 3 solutions.

Photo of a How Might We exercise chart.

We prioritized solutions on an impact/effort chart to decide what needed to be addressed first.

Impact/effort chart.

We assigned responsibilities for tasks between team members. We matched tasks with areas of interest.

Actionable steps chart.
Actionable steps chart.

We helped Saratoga For Justice organize the way they collaborate without endless debate. We discovered organization support structures were most important to continuing their work. We facilitated concrete ideas on how to address burnout.